Oil Spill Cleanup
Emergency response absorbent for fuel and oil spills.

Pristine Sea ®
The US Environmental Protection Agency classifies Pristine Sea® as a sorbent used for open water oil spills. Pristine Sea® is a patented material that chemically attaches to the oil to form semi-solid cakes. The resulting oil cakes remain afloat for removal or treatment by bioremediation.
Applying Pristine Sea® can be done using self-contained dispersal equipment and the Pristine Sea® product. A key feature of this technology is the ability to disperse product from aircraft, ship, or facility without putting personnel in the water. Pristine Sea® can be used in conjunction with other spill technologies such as booms, skimmers, ship-mounted blowers, and aircraft delivery systems. Response activity can safely begin immediately on recognition of a spill, or as a complementary response effort, regardless of light, weather, or delivery craft speed. Oil clumps resulting from Pristine Sea® are retrieved in a variety of methods including fishing nets, floating fences, paddle collectors, etc. Pristine Sea® has been extensively tested at Louisiana State University and used by organizations such as Exxon, Chevron, Lockheed Missile and Space Co., VTT Maritime Institute of Finland, Petroles de Venezuela, S.A., and the Philippine Coast Guard.
Key Benefits
- Upon bonding, the captured oil will not leach into the water colum, thereby preventing harm to the aquatic life.
- Density of the bonded oil is less than that of water, thereby allowing the oil to float until recovery or biodegradation.
- Oil is recovered without the water, thereby reducing the recovery cost of the oil.
- Products contain no toxic materials, dispersants, or surfactants.
- Success in water temperatures ranging from 18° to 37° and may be used regardless of sunlight and inclement weather.
- Quick response for small spills associated with offshore platforms, pipelines, terminals, ports and harbors.